Tuesday, March 17, 2015

He will take care of you

This morning my alarm went off for me to start my day with my devo.  The calm before the storm it sometimes seems.  I no longer sat up and read the title of my devotion, "Slow it down," and I hear Austin coming out of his room saying "wake up" and Jake rolled over and said "I am sick."  My husband is awesome.  There isn't a doubt about that.  He has been getting up with Austin and getting him to rest a little bit longer in his bed before waking up the whole house.  I knew Austin wasn't going to do the same thing for me but I met him at his door, got him to go back in and close it.  We talked a little bit about school and read a couple books and the rest of the house got about 20 minutes more of rest.

Jake and I had the dining room table all set up for St Patricks Day.  Fun hats and necklaces and mustaches and other decorations.  I thought Jake and I would start the day off wearing silly green mustashes.  It didn't happen that way and that's ok.  We did our devo and surprisingly they all sat and listenend.  It was about Jesus calming the storm.  Kind of funny how things just seem to tie in together constantly.  It seems like the Holy Spirit isn't wanting me to miss a thing lately.  Things are clear and they are just what I need to hear.  Over and over again, I hear God's sweet words.  This morning the boys and I talked about how God was gonna be with them always, no matter how small the boat or how big the storm (taken from Jesus storybook Bible).

We all piled in the van for drop off.  Normally Jake and I split up on Tuesdays but not today.  As we were going out the door the boys asked "who is going to stay home with daddy?"  I couldn't help but smile and think of it from their perspective.  I told them I would come back home and stay with daddy and get him what he needs.  This morning I am thankful that the boys know we will take care of them when they are sick, in the storm, and I pray they read this one day and know that God is gonna carry them through their storm, no matter how small the boat or how big the storm.  Amen.

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