Friday, February 20, 2015

Those boys......

get me every time with their smiles.  I just adore them!  It has been awhile since an update.  I have tried but our computer hasn't been cooperative :)  Here are some recent pictures of the boys.

Name:  Austin
Age:  3 years 4 months
Interests:  Ozzy, Daisy, Simon Says, tickles, swinging, jumping, watching funny cat videos, leading us in his school snack song at every meal..................3 times, reading books, spinning in his bilibo, closing doors on people, and making silly movies on daddy's phone
Favorite foods:  his green shake, strawberries, blueberries, pretzels, yogurt, apples, bananas, cookies, cantaloupe, cereal bars, ice cream, ranch and the list goes on.  This boy can eat and is growing fast!
Favorite Color:  Blue
Favorite Song:  This Little Light of Mine
Favorite Book:  Snuggle Puppy

Name:  Nolan
Age:  5 years 4 months
Interests:  Chasing Daisy, playing Dragon City on his kindle, swinging, holding Daisy, checking temperature of Daisy's and Ozzy's ears, watching "Peep And The Big Wide World," watching "Bubble Guppies," building things out of whatever he can find, telling time, reading, playing in the tunnel in the basement with Daddy, Cam, and Austin
Favorite Foods:  Ice cream, brownies, rice cakes with honey or nutella, blueberries, strawberries,  rice chex and corn chex with honey, apple slices, carrots
Favorite Color:  All the colors except purple and pink
Favorite Song:  Happy Birthday Jesus
Favorite Book:  Little Critter Books (any and all)

Name:  Cameron
Age:  8 years 1 month
Interests:  telling jokes, playing Dragon City on his kindle, Ninjago, laughing and tickling people, cornering Daisy with Nolan, playing with Austin and Nolan, spinning in the bilibo, playing outside whenever possible, playing Skylanders on the Wii, Wii fit,
Favorite Foods:  Salad with Italian dressing or ranch, carrots and ranch, blueberries, strawberries, cereal bars, pancakes, waffles, chicken, mashed potatoes, potato soup
Favorite Color:  Green
Favorite Song:  Ninjago Song
Favorite Book:  Ninjago

These boys are the best and I couldn't love them any more if I tried, but I am beyond excited to go on a date with their daddy tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Such cuties! Enjoy date night. :)